Perjury and Prosecuting For It

Here is a discussion thread on perjury. Start from the bottom if you want to read it in order. Basically perjury is a joke in Massachusetts (and likely many other states). I have heard from a high level source inside the Worcester DA's office that "no woman will ever be prosecuted for perjury". This is obviously a sexist and illegal statement (against 14th amendment) for any district attorney to make. Figured it out yet? The judges, DA and others are basically sexist pig that prosecute men and leave women alone except in the most egregious circumstances.

In my case, I could prove, FROM THE RECORD, that my ex had lied UNDER OATH at least 60 times.

One day, I went to the clerk's office to ask for a clerk-magistrate hearing to consider the charge of perjury. They told me to go down the street to the DA's office. That was in Woburn. The Woburn DA's office told me to go to the Middlesex County DA's office. That office told me to go to the Commonwealth AG's office in Boston. And that office in turn referred me -- where else -- back to the Woburn Clerk's office! I spent an entire day going around in a circle for nothing.

Well, not really for nothing. I did it in part knowing I was on a fool's errand, but wanting to PROVE it.

A couple of years later, I tried again at the Clerk's office. And they tried to push me onto the same circle, until I told them that I wasn't having anything of it. So they actually sent out the notice for a perjury hearing. So I showed up for the hearing -- AND I WAS THE ONE WHO GOT ARRESTED!

My ex took the summons seriously -- as well she should have since she knew how many lies she'd told -- even though she was also naive for believing that the Commonwealth takes perjury seriously. So she complained to a copp that I'd violated my restraining order, and there was a warrant for my arrest. Naturally, no cop ever actually went out of his way to enforce the warrant. Instead, she waited until the hearing, then informed the cleerk that there was this warrant for my arrest. They looked it up and agreed, and I was arreted on the spot.

In the meanwhile, I never got my hearing for perjury. But on the other hand, this was the arrest that lead to my successful lawsuit, so this time at least I got SOMETHING out of it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill" <jwwiii@HOTMAIL.COM
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: misrepresentation

 Are you asking if the fox will guard the coop?
 There are laws against perjury which are seldom enforced in even the most
 blatant cases. I have tried to no avail to prosecute perjury laws in
 probable cause hearings to get the DA to act.

 It was a total waste of time. The OATH is a joke. Only the ignorant
 believe it means something. The only punishment is you may lose some
 credibility and the Judge will reflect that in his findings.

 ----- Original Message -----
 From: "bee" <sels56@YAHOO.COM
 Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 12:28 PM
 Subject: misrepresentation

 if an attorney knowingly lies to the court in a pleading
 (motion, etc) either on his own behalf or on behalf of his client, and
 either in the same case or in a parallel case (as a way of showing the
 attorney's lack of integrity and reliability of his assertions in the
 instant case), are there statutory laws and/or case laws that require
 the judge in the instant case to take action against that attorney?
 I know that there is 18 USC (Misprision of Felony), but I am looking for
 something stronger to require the judge to take action against the
 attorney or evaluation of that attorney's assertions.
